haf you ever heard the saying that
it takes a pack to raise a puppy? well now you haf! it means that everybody in a community has to pitch in a little bit to help pups grow up to be good dogs or peepol. and i wuz thinking...
gee, i haf a reelly big pack of friends on the internet -- i wunder how they cud help to raise by benjamin?so i thot and thot and i came up wif an idea! i know that you all are very smart and you probably haf a lot of life experience to share wif a pup in the form of advice. wut if you all wrote pieces of advice for my benjamin about how to grow up to be a good man and luv his family and take care of other peepol? wudent that be cool?
so i told my randy and he said
Ivy, you're brilliant! (tee hee! i knew that) so he made
this video in response to google's
"tell your gmail story" video. now i just watched that video and it totally sounded like my randy took all the credit for
my idea! but i gess i will be humble and not worry about that.
if you want to write advice to my benjamin, you can write to him any time at this address:

(it is an image to keep the spambots away!)
you can send him advice any time you think of it (like just after sumbody did something and you wish you cud haf given them a piece of good advice about their behavior!) for years and years to come and i will make a little book of advice for my bp every year on his birfday and give it to him.
you can even let your peepol / hoomans / bipeds contribute advice of theyr own, and send the address on to any of theyr friends who they think are wise and mite haf good advice to share. the more the better i say! thanks my friends!
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