Squirrels are Evil!

One Dog -- One Mission: To uncover the Great Squirrel Conspiracy

Friday, May 01, 2015

Picnic pizza nite!

I luv Friday nites, cuz my peepol have a picnic on the floor of my living room and eat pizza and watch silly movies.  You can bet I am rite there next to the picnic blankie in case somebody drops something yummy.


At 5:08 AM, Blogger Duke said...

Did somebody drop something for you, Ivy? Tonight is our pizza night and we eat in the family room in front of TV. Yup, they share with us! Pizza is the best!

Love ya lotsā™„
Mitch and Molly

At 12:55 PM, Blogger World of Animals, Inc said...

Ivy, we think that pizza is the best too. During the week you probably get all excited that Friday is almost here, so you can have some treats from what the humans dropped by accident. Thanks for the share. Have a wonderful day.
World of Animals


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