thank you thank you thank you to dogtective joe stains! he found evidence of the real culprits and cleared me of all charges.

incidentally it seems that the evil cats hid the evidence of theyr crime in a corner of my benjamin's vibrating rocky-chair, ware my lindsay found it about an hour ago. sneaky cats!
thanks to my excellent dog friends! i luv you joe stains!
glad Joe could solve the problem. Dem cats is no good. Be sure to protect BP from them.
woofies Ivy!!! me knew Mr Stains cood solve u problem...hmmm sooo it wuz dat evil-chair-dat-rocks?? now, did u git sumthin good fur dem blamin u....cats can b good, butttt u can never quiet trust 'em...
b safe,
This was a tough one to crack, couldn't get a lot of cooperation with the holidays coming up. BUT I have some good sources, so let me know if you ever need help again! Just don't ask on Tuesdays because that is Tanners day to blog and he can barely find his way out of bed most days.
Congratulations, Ivy, on having you name cleared finally. Those are some evil kitties.
We knew you were innocent all along, Ivy! Nasty cats!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Wowzers! If anypup can get to the truth, it's Detective Joe Stains! He's so COOL!
You just can't reeeeeaaaalllllyyyy trust kitties, can you?
Play bows,
good news! Maybe I should ban stupid cats when I'm President!
We knew you were not guilty!!
They always blame us dogs and all those sneaky cats should get the blame! Because they are the ones that do it and thinks it's us all the time because "cat's rule, dog's drool". Jasper Belle our cat, is the cat we really hate.
Hey, hey Ivy. Check out my blog...Click here.
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