the peepol reely did it this time! they broke my dog car! they were driving in it (without me i mite add) and almost back to my house wen
stinky smoke started comin out of the wheel! they just barely made it home and they were glad that theyr ivy baby wuz not in the car for that skary ride.
so anyway they haf been so busy with the kichen that they didnt get around to fixin my car for the longest time until today i told randy he better fix that car soon so i can ride in it again!

we took the tire off and i inspected it. hmmmmm... no stinky smoke in there!

no stinky smoke in there either! i wunder if the peepol were fibbing to me? i cuddnt see wut the big problem wuz at all.
so randy talked to the older wiser randy on the farbarker and he said it needed to be scrubbed down and greased up. that sounded messy to me so i told randy he cud do it himself.

wile randy wuz busy getting his hands all icky i had the
perfect chance to run the evil mailman out of my neighborhood for good! he wuz rite there and i cud haf run so fast he wuddnt haf even seen me comin. just a keeshond colored blur of lightning thats all he wudda seen. but lindsay told me no no so i just had to sit there and tell him that he wuz lucky that i decided not to teach him a lesson this time.
meanwile randy got my car all done and put the tire back on and gess wut? there wuz an icky evil spider on that tire! and randy had been sittin on the tire all this time! he wuz lucky that spider didnt bite him in the... tee hee!

lindsay sent the spider to the big cobweb in the sky ware all the flies get theyr revenge. payback time!

finally it wuz time to test out my car. i hopped in and we went for a ride all over my neighborhood. we stopped at every red sign and at lots of places in between. crazy randy just kept stopping everyware and each time we stopped he wuz just way too happy. silly randy!

of corse i wuzznt going to complain. riding in my car is enuf to make me smile any day... just as long as there is no stinky smoke comin out of the tires!