this morning my peepol got out all the skary noise makers again. and just wen they had finally put them all away in the garage too! geez! of corse i wondered wut they were up to...

then the noize started! i knew it! i dont like that saw one bit. it is almost as bad as the hammer monster.

so i spent most of the day guarding my backyard against skwerrel invaders.

i peeked in every once in a wile to supervise and scold the noize makers.
be kwiet! i said but of corse nobody lissens to ivy. specially not tools!

then beth and james came over and that wuz fun! they have cats but they are ok anyway. they are specially ok cuz they brot chicken in a bucket with them! mmmmm! then they started with the noize makers again and kept me up waaaay past dog bedtime.

all of that crazy noize making for wut? this slickery floor? i dont know why the peepol waste theyr time on this foolishness. humph!
Ivy: Looks like your folks did a good job on the slippery floor. It will probably be around a while, so maybe you can learn to like it. Be careful when your nails get long, it seems to get worse!
Ivy, if it weren't for the chicken in a bucket, I'd say pack your bags and do as Hershey does... go to Copper's safe haven. You both have good reason to throw your paws up in the air and be done with the craziness.... for you, the floors that will make you go SPLAT, and for Hershey, the new addition that's going to invade the Hershey house.
Who can understand humans Ivy?
You just have to let them do their thing, and make sure you stay close in case they get into trouble and need K9 assistance:-)
Looks like time for Bunny Bowling!
Bussie Kissies
If your peepol are anything like my Human, they's slip on the slick floor and spill food. Then you call help clean up the floor. My Human likes it when we help!
People are so strange. Now you can have fun sliding around on that floor! And if your people wear socks they can slide on it too!
Soon the fun will begin ... don't worry if you hit the wall a few times ... soon you will figure out the lead time for pouncing and sliding ...
I always slip on the floor when I am chasing the ball in the living room. My humans get really surprised (and glad) to see that I never get hurt!
Ivy, Your peepol will like the new floor. Tell them that my used windex to clean hers. it doen't leave a film and dries fast. I HATE the smell though, it's almost as smelly as nail polish remover. Makes me sneeze!
hey hey copper! i am with you there, dog! i hate windex! it is sooo stinky and makes me sneeze and run away. i hate glasses cleaner too. icky icky icky!
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