ode to my Kichen Floor
O Kichen Floor, my faithful friend
You've always been so true.
Wenever food dropped from above,
It always stopped on you.
You'd hold it for me pashently
Until i'd found my treat:
Some jasmine rice, a peece of cheese,
or best of all, some meat!
But now my peepol haf gone mad,
They've ripped you up, i fear;
I lookeded for you everyware
And finded you out here.
Our time together is so short,
So answer me and quick!
Wud i seem rude, dear Kichen Floor,
If i just had one last lick?

A good floor is like a good friend - sorry to see yours go. Maybe the new floor will be nice to you too.
you are rite zach - maybe the new floor will be my friend too! rite now tho there is no food at all in the kichen - just tools and boxes everyware!
A friend just got a puppy, I told her that having a dog meant never picking up the kitchen floor ever again.
Ivy, if you need to find a place to hang out where peepol drop food on the floor, you can come over here.
I think a moment of silence for our dear friend, Kitchen Floor, would be appropriate.
Poor Ivy,
Losing such a dear friend. Zach is probably right that your new floor will be a good friend too ... once your people get food back in the kitchen!
We will try that moment of silence for the old floor but we are usually only quiet when we are asleep.
Roxie, Sammy & Andy
Poor Ivy, Living in VA
Your kitchen floor has gone away.
The new one may be just as good
But watch out if it looks like wood
Your little paws will make click-clacks
So when you sneak behind the backs
Of peepol, they will hear you come
And snatch up every little crumb!
oooooo! gussie! you are such a clever dog rimer!
i hope you are not rite about the klick-klacky floor... my peepol went crazy and put one of those in our last house and i didnt like it one bit!
Ivy: Watch out, those clicky-klacky floors are verry popular! My humans are talking about putting them all over our house! I just gotta hope that if they do, they buy lots of throw rugs!
ohh, ivy i have clicky clak floors and mom knows where i am allllll the time and you slide all over the place when you run! i have enjoyed hearing all about your kitchen renovashuns! oh and i watched all your google videos on saturday, my mom and dad need a video camera! i loved the one where to teach us to make pizza! mom said you used lots of yeast and she is going to try your recipe, she make everything from scratch and she loves to make bread! oh and she has one of those spinny mixy mashines but hers is blue she looooooves it! i love it to cause she uses it to make dog cookies for me!
Ivy, maybe you will get lucky and your new kitchen will have fluffy stuff. My kitchen has clicky clak floors in the kitchen but my fluffy floors are nice to lay on. Hershey has hard clicky clack floors and they are murder to lay on.
Tell your people that you want that floor, and then have then put it in your doghouse or something. Great poem, and sorry to here about your friend. If you rpeople don't want to give it to you you will have to kidnap it!
I had a floor
it was all white
with lil indented lines
Was so much more
easy to sight
where stuff was all the time
It gave me kibble
it gave me meat
it gave me scraps and slop
It let me dribble
it let me eat
and lay on its cool top
Sniff Sniff
buster is kwite the poet too! all us dogs are so talented!
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