home is ware you dont haf to share yer toys
my peepol are home at last!! randy took a ride on the big noizy birds to lost angels first and i missed him so much that wen he came home i did happy dances and ran laps around my yard!

nite nite!

One Dog -- One Mission: To uncover the Great Squirrel Conspiracy
my peepol are home at last!! randy took a ride on the big noizy birds to lost angels first and i missed him so much that wen he came home i did happy dances and ran laps around my yard!
Welcome home Ivy! We missed you. I know what you mean about sharing your toys. Hershey and I share toys, but sometimes we get tired of sharing.
Hey Ivy, have you seen THIS???
I love that alligator toy! Humm... Are you sure you would not share it with me?
Ah! I came here to tell you that you are tagged.
Come over to my blog to see what to do.
What a terrible squirrel! We should all be on alert for them, they are awful creatures! I can't wait to see what Ivy has to say!
I like the skweekigator, too!
oh my dogness! wut a terrible awful no-good very bad skwerrel!!! that is even worser than the ones in my backyard that taunt me so much!!!
hey hey you guys are so crazy to woof on my blog wile so much i wuz viziting abby. i gess i haf alotta friends! i wud share my toyz with you all if you came over to play.
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