happy anny-nersery peepol!

it has been five peepol years since my randy and lindsay got all dressed up and had a big party with cake (mmmmm...cake!) and dancing and rings and things. i like to try to take the rings off their peepol paws with my teeth but they never let me do it.
my uncle josh and ant claire made us a family tree and gave it to the evil mailman to bring to our house. that mail man reeely gets around! the family tree is kinda like my skwerrel tree only smaller and me and my peepol are up in the tree! i dont kwite unnerstand why this is a good thing but my peepol were very happy to see it so i gess i am happy too.
i do like the color becuz it goes with my blog!
Hey! I loved that family tree! Humm... I think I will Mummy to make one of those for us ;)
I like that tree too, but I wish it was a cookie!
Hey Ivy. That's such a cool tree. I see it has empty places. Mayeb you are getting more dogs in your family?
hey hey copper! if there are any things that want to hop into our tree i hope it is dogs and not skwerrels!
hi ivy! i saw something on the internet you might like to see! since you hate squirrels you might have already seen it...
i like your blog...my peeople have had their rings and each other for 2 1/2 years. i love them.
Hey Ivy,
Congrats to your humans - and hope they have many more happy years to come. My mum and dad went all the way from Australia to Las Vegas to be married by fat Elvis back in '99 - what a hoot :-)
thank you hershey! that is such a skary mangey skwerrel! if i saw him in my backyard i think i wud haf to call sandy over for reinforsment to take him on.
wow opey! my peepol tell me that australia is so far away i cudnt even walk there if i walked for my hole life! i gess your peepol walk reely fast or maybe they went for a ride in the car to get to las vegas.
i like elvis too. at leest i like one of his songs! gess wich one?
Ivy, tell your people happy anniversary! That is a cool family tree. It would go with our blog too. We don't have a family tree but if we did, it wouldn't have any squirrels!
Roxie, Sammy & Andy
Ivy I saw a squirrel doggie toy in Target and it made me think of you. I would have bought it for you but I can't even get to Hershey's house by myself , never mind your house. You could have KILLED it!
Hi Ivy,
my folks have had their ring for five years as well shortly. Say hello to your family!!
hmmm.. was it the hounddog song?
Tell your peepol happy anny-nersery!
hey hey copper! my peepol told me they saw that skwerrel in target too! i like target becuz of the silly target dog.
günter tell your peepol happy five years too!
yeah zach i like that houn'dog song becuz he never cot a rabbit and i aint never cot one nether!
Happy Versinanery!
Sorry, Anniversary!.
Im still not thinking straight on the account of the metacam:-)
People do the strangest things. But I guess an anniversary is a good thing!
Do you get to chew that one? It really looks tasty!
Great looking fam Ivy, like copper I noticed the empty places and need for pups - maybe a collie pup is next?
We miss your blog Ivy. Write soon.
Where are you? Please come blog again soon!
Roxie, Sammy & Andy
Ivy! Ivy! Where are you??? I'm sniffing for you!!!
Tag, you're it Ivy. Come over to my blog to see what to do.
We have "tagged" you. Go to my blog to see what that means.
Great tree, I would LOVE to chew that stick if I were you. Sticks are my favorite! Congrats to your humans and to you!
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