since my peepol haf been going crazy fixin up my kichen they haf been eating theyr cereal in paper bowls and giving me the leftover milk!

randy says i am a good helper for cleaning up. all i know is that i am reelly getting used to this second brekfest! i hope it never ends!
hey ivey, copper's mom lets him drink the cereal milk too! i on the other hand do not get anything! what is up with that!?
mmmm yummy. Dad used to share with me, Gussie. Then it made my tummy upset. Then I barfed. No more cereal milk for Gussie
mmmm yummy. Dad used to share with me, Gussie. Then it made my tummy upset. Then I barfed. No more cereal milk for Gussie
We like to help around the house cleaning up too. It's nice to be useful.
2nd breakfast? Whoah - how cool is that! I don't think I've ever tasted this milk stuff - is it good?
hey hershey! you haf got to tell your mom that you need cereal milk. it is the best!
poor gussie with the tummy upsets. no fun at all! i ate a whole bottle of lindsay's lactose pills so i shud be able to milk for at leest a year now.
tubey you are so rite. it is nice to be useful. it is even nicer to get yummy food!
zach you just haf to try it! milk it does a doggie good!
Um, Ivy, are you a hobbit?
Ah cereal milk - I especially enjoy it when it has strawberries in it!
Bussie Kissies
Hershey's Mom does not know all of the yummy peepol food Hershey got when he was staying at my house. Ha ha! Don't tell her! I don't think he got cereal milk but he got lunchmeat and he got cheese .. when I got my lunchmeat medicine or cheese medicine. Mom said it was only fair to give him some too!
hana you know wut? my peepol are always saying that i haf hairy hobbit toes but i never know wut they mean! wut is a hobbit anyway?
copper you are so lucky! wen i wuz staying at lindsays mom and dads house i got bacon all the time and i got cookies just becuz jackie had to eat her pills with cookies. staying with dogs who eat pills is the best! mommy says daddy is a hobbit. He has hairy hobbit toes and eats second breakfast too. I am not sure what a hobbit is but mommy seems to think its not a good thing for daddy to be one.
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