pam and ken moved in with me!

after the slippry floors came in pam and ken moved in to. everypumpkin has moved in! randy sed theyr leaves were sick. then the bugz wanted to eat them. lindsay washed them off with the evil hose and randy put them on the slippry floor. now pam and ken are waiting for holler weenie to party theyr guts out. mmmm... pumpkin guts.
Pam and ken look very happy to be inside away from the evil leaf-eating bugs. I don't know if I would like pumpkin guts, but I ate a soup muzzer made out of pumpkins one time. It was OK, but I liked the pie better!
Wowie Ivy! Pam and Ken look pretty big. I hope they don't get soft and yucky on the brand new slippry floors. My mom had a little Pam in her office one time and it got all moldy and gooey. Pawfect for Howl-aween though.
By the way, your slickery floors look nice!
I don't mind the slippy floors cause I've been on em since I was a pup. But I have to say that indoor chasing with another dog is a sliding deal. and the humans yell and force you outside. Which is what we all want anyway - Yahoooooooooooooooey!
Wow, Pam and Ken are BIG! I love pumpkin guts, my mom gets them in a can at the store and mixes my medicine with it. Yum!
Can ya chase Pam and Ken on the slickery floors?
Hi Ivy!
I think you must read this at Reuters: Squirrel in spokes floors cycling opera singer
Licks :P
hey hey zach! i tried to chase pam and ken around but they just sit there and dont even get skared. huh! lazy pumkins!
raisa thanks for sharing. wut a skary thot -- now the skwerrels are going after the peepol! they haf no fear! us dogs must heed the call and respond to meet the skwerrel uprising!
Ivy you are hysterical!
Orange Pam and Ken look nice in the green kitchen and the floors look very nice.
Hi Ivy,
So you are helping to guard Pam and Ken?
~ fufu
yes fu fu! i am a brave and feerless guard dog! i will guard poor pam and ken against the skary evil buggies that want to eat them... so that i can eat them later.
wut kind of dog are you anyway?
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You have an evil hose too? I hate our evil hose. The girl turns it on every time she goes outside to do laundry and I run in the house to hide. It scares me when she points it at me!
(the girl needs to clip my claws - they are getting too long and my last comment had way too many typos to make sense)
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