dog blog dashboard and tagged by hana!

hurray for googley! randy set me up with a dog blog dashboard that shows me wut all of my dog friends are saying on theyr blogs all in one place! i luv it!
for some reezon hanas blog dozent update. randy said it is becuz her atom feed is obsoleet and her rss feed is brokie. wutever that meens i shur dont unnerstand. it is probly bloggys fault!
oh and hana tagged me so now i am supposed to come up with five things that make a good dog friend. everydog seems to haf a different take on wut this meens so i am going to think of five things that make my dog blogging friends so speshal:
1. wenever tubey tells about some stupid thing that humans did it makes me laf so hard! dogs are so much smarter than peepol!
2. freda always has such thotful and sumtimez crazy ideas. she reminds me that every issue has another side to think about and she keeps me using my noodle.
3. zach and hana and ender and all my eskie friends are just so cute that theyr picktures showing up on my blog makes my tail wag.
4. copper and roxie and sammy and andy and hershey and all my doglet buddies are good friends becuz they remind me that little dogs can make a big difference in the lives of theyr peepol. they all haf very speshal peepol that they take care of so well.
5. every other dog that cheers me up and makes me laf with theyr funny blogs and silly comments is my speshal friend too!
wowie! i think five things wuzznt enuf to cover all the great dog bloggers out there! maybe if i tag some other dogs they will think of others to woof about.
i tag: turbo, freda, gus, sam and beasley
P.S. gus did an awesome job with the dog friends thing. you gotta check out his post!
Ivy: Thank you for tagging me! With my friend Travis coming to stay with us Sunday week, I have to think up things to do for him that will make him happy when he visits us. So this will help me get organized!
I love your dashboard. I'm working on mine when muzzer goes to work today! What a great idea!
that's pretty cool. I'll have to figure out how to do the dashboard thingie! Thanks for tagging me too!
"AWESOME" dose it come with instructions have to figure out how to do the dashboard thingie! Thanks for tagging me too!
Lot's Of Lick's
Hey Ivy,
Your cousin Jackie has been nominated for "Photo of the Month" over at the D.W.B Bone Zone
Head on over and cast your vote - and tell all your friends too :-)
Hey Ivy
You have been nominated for an "Awesome Blog Award" over at D.W.B Bone Zone
Head on over and cast your vote - and tell all your friends to vote too :-)
Way to go!!! congrats on your nomination!!
Lot's of Lick's
Aw Ivy, I like the way you interpreted the Tag! You are SO thoughtful! By the way, I twied to fix my bloggy atom feed. Can you tell if it worked or helped?
That googly thing looks just like what I need!
Hey Ivy,
Congrats on the nommie down there in DogsWothBlogs land. Coools blokes and sheilas down there. Right?
Thanks for the tag. If I can get my lazy butt typist out of the studio (HaH!) I'll get my taggers posted.
I really like your dashboard. I hope the burnin' canidae isn't needed. Dad doesn't want anymore overhead on the magic typer than needed. We use to use it on our PC and reeeeeally liked it. Will dissect your site to see how you did that. Coooools!
Thanks for tagging me Ivy. I wasn't gonna write nuthing today but then I got tagged.
Cause me and mommy love your blog we voted for you on the Awesome Dog Blog award thingy.
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