to the dump, to the dump, to the dump-dump-dump!
now that the peepol haf fixed my dog car we can take things to the dump again!

i helped tell lindsay how to drive to the dump. it wuz easy cuz i just followed my nose!

of corse i supervized while the peepol unloaded stuff and threw it in the big noizy container full of smells.

i also helped by keeping a wachful eye out for evil skwerrels and other dogs that mite try to steal our stuff!

i just looooove the dump! i cant wait til we go back again!
Too bad you couldn't get OUT of the car - bet you could have found FUN FUN FUN stuff!
We are glad that your car is working again. Enjoy your rides.
Just make sure the humans do not brake your car gain, Ivy! They can be quite clumsy sometimes with our stuff!
Licks :P
I've never been to the dump! I think I've been missing out!
If your humans had not fixed your car, they would have taken it to the dump for good!! I wonder how they would have gotten it there? Well, tank goodness they fixed your car!
Nice blog :)
enjoy your rides :)
tubey you are reely missing out! you need to tell your mom to take you to the dump today! you dont even haf to throw anything away. just go to enjoy the smells.
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