walks and cats and my skwerrel swimming pool
a cupple of mornings ago my peepol woke up early and we all went for a walk wen the sun wuz just getting up!

i sniffed lots of tubes and saw a cat! he didnt even pay attenshun to me though.

it wuz such a fun walk! and then yesterday my skweeky skwerrel wuz bored so i dug him a little swimming pool. how fun!

it seemed to be about the rite size so now i just haf to wait for it to rain.
while i waited i went inside and hopped up on the peepol bed. for sum strange reezon the peepol had theyr washed clothes up there getting in my way. no matter! i just laid rite on top of them.
wen the peepol came in and saw my paws they got all excited. and i dont meen excited in a fun way. noooooo the peepol were not happy with me one bit even tho i had nicely decorated theyr clean clothes with my paw prints! i tell you peepol are so ungrateful!

randy made me jump in the evil bathtub and gave my feet a bath! it took a long time to get all the dirt from my skwerrel pool out of my hairy hobbit toes. ugh! i am so glad that is over now!
oh and here is some happier news! my friend tubey nominated me for an awesome blog award! i wunder wut the award prize is? maybe some cookies? the other blog nominated is miss sunshade. i haf to tell you that her blog is reelly cool and she is so cute and i think you shud vote for her... as long as i can still get the cookies!
you can click here to vote if you wanna!
Hey Ivy...I voted for your earlier because...well, I like your blog and you hate squirrels too!
I don't know about these humans - putting an end to nose art and paw art. They just have no appreciation for the finer things in life.
Ivy, you are a very tall dog! Judging from your shadow, you are one extremely TALL dog because you are almost as tall as your humans!! Wowwie Ivy! You could be in the guinness book of dog records.
Ivy, I got in trouble with laundry on the bed too. Peepol are particular about their clothes aren't they?
Hello Ivy,
It's great that you dug a swimming pool for your skweeky skwerrel. :)
What a nice friend.
~ fufu
We agree that squirrels are EVIL! Sis says that once a squirrel came into OUR HOUSE and took a bath in the toilet. This was before we lived there, or we never would have let that happen!
Akira and Shiro
p.s. check out our brand new blog
Mommy said she voted for you cause she loves your fluffy ears. She said she just wants to reach out and scratch them...she is good at scratchin ears.
Mommy said she voted for you cause she loves your fluffy ears. She said she just wants to reach out and scratch them...she is good at scratchin ears.
hey hey hana! wow i gess i AM a tall dog! i never wudda gessed that i wuz as tall as the peepol but shadows cant lie!
I like that hole you dug - awesome.
And what's with the people anyway. You wouldn't yell at them for laying on your bed and walking on your squirrel.
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