wrong way!

i think the little red sign in the bottom of the pickture says it all:
wrong way peepol! turn around now!
good thing i haf trained my peepol well enuf to recognize danger wen they see it. they stayed away from skwerrel hill homestead and came rite back home to me. good peepol!

Whew!!!! That was a close call! Good thing you've trained your peepol.
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Wow! We will have to be on the lookout for squirrels taking over around here! Your peepol are really lucky that you look out for them and trained them to avoid that danger!
Roxie, Sammy & Andy
Oh you silly dogs .. don't you know that it's just a sign pointing to GOOD HUNTING???????
I hate squirrels. Bark at the every chance it get. You know ... around here... in August, some of the squirrels have sores all over their bodies. Pretty gross if you aks me.
good dog Ivy! you have done a great job training your people, and they are safe at home. I know that you are far from me, but I will watch carefully for the squirrel invasion in AZ!
Hey Ivy
Congrats on winning the Featured Blog award - much deserved. Head back over to the Bone Zone and let SHD know where you want your graphic sent to.
Hi Ivy,
don't visit that place..
Nice kitchen by the way!!
rotflol! why were your people driving there? this is such a coincidence- that is the exact exact our sis takes to get to her apartment! she says she has to drive thru squirrel hill and into shadyside to get to her apt!
she said she thought she sensed a squirrel throwing acorns and buckeyes at her one day...hmmm... coincidence? we think not.
p.s. that should have said exact exit. we are tired from taking care of sis.
My daddy peeked at your web site last night and he said it is one of the best blogs he has seen! Ivy, you had him laughing up a storm.
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