oh my dogness! i hafent blogged in a few days now and so much is happening in my dog world that it is already hard to remember it all.
it is wif a sad dog heart that i tell you the fate of my poor fuzzy pink friend the hexapus. he went missing for most of the day and wen my finely tuned crime-solving nose found ware he wuz it wuz already too late. hexapus had been forced to take an evil bath in the spinning chamber of doom and... *sniff*... his stuffing exploded all over the place!

this is a photo taken by my crime scene investigation camera. fear not that i will not rest until i haf hunted down the one responsible for this trajedy. well... maybe i will take a few dog naps but even then i will be dreaming of the clues!
two days ago a much happier event happened to me. my peepol came home from being gone all day in my dog car and they had a new friend for me to chew on!! i named him chubby puppy and i luved him rite away!

i took him out in my back yard for his christening and made sure that he wuz safe from evil skwerrels.

i said
thank you! thank you! to my peepol but they replied that it wuzent a present from them. it wuz from a fish named ganon who belongs to my friend the brilliant calico gecko and it wuz a thank you for my lindsay having fed ganon his dinner while c.g. wuz gone. i didnt quite follow all that but i managed to unnerstand that i got a present from a fish and that wuz pretty cool.
hershey has started this game of dog bloggers telling about theyr peepol and
hana tagged me to reveal mine (even though hershey said everydog already knows about my randy and lindsay) so now i will tell you all the important stuff that i know about them...

my randy and lindsay are peepol who rescued me from jail about five human years ago. since then we haf moved all over the place and taken many rides in my dog car wif our stuff in boxes. i got to swim in the atlantick and the specific oshuns in the same month one time!
my randys job is to feed me dog food for brekfast and dinner. he is pretty good at it most of the time but he gets sloppy about my feeding time on weekends. i still haf to train him to be better about that.
my lindsays job is being a
super-hero. she has super-strength and super hearing and lately even a super sense of smell. she is reelly good at rescuing dogs. she is the one who found me and rescued me from jail wen we first met!
both of my peepol like to go for a ride in my car almost every morning and they are gone almost all day long
hafing all kinds of fun wifout me! i haf tried to ask them about wut they do but the only thing i haf ever gotten as an answer is that they teach computers to do tricks that are fun and educashunal for peepol. this is obviously a silly lie cuz i know they must be eating cookies all day or why wud they want to leave me behind? humph.
i tag
tasha & eva,
sitka and tia, and
maya-marie to tell about theyr peepol next!
lastly i haf a mystery that maybe my dog friends can help me solve. my peepol keep talking about sumthing called BP and i haf no idea wut they mean by it. i haf asked them a bunch of times but of corse nobody ever lissens to ivy!