Hey its my Benjamin!
hey hey dog friends! you all were so totally rite about why my peepol were gone for so long. i didnt see my randy or lindsay for a few days and i wuz afraid they had forgotten my brekfest and dinner but then the bacon lady and the other randy came to feed me and go for walks and give me a little hat to sniff and we just had the bestest time!
meanwhile my peepol were at the baby arrival place meeting my benjamin for the first time ever... wen they got home today i stole the spy camera and looked at all the stuff i missed...
here is my benjamin getting luved on by my lindsay and my randy:

and here is my benjamin getting a kiss:

here is my benjamin getting luv from randy. you know i think if it werent for my randy's fuzzy face maybe benjamin wud haf more hair than him! tee hee!
oh here is a good one... benjamin getting luv from the bacon lady and the other randy.

and here is ivy getting luv from... well, pretty much just the blue rug. i had to stay home and be good for so long it just about killed me!
but it wuz all worth it wen my peepol came home and i got to meet my newest peepol. i gave benjamin two kisses on his cheek and told him he cud stay here wif me. how cud i resist such a cute little peepol puppy?