viziting a mouse?!?
my peepol took me for a ride-in-the-car to abby's house and they brot my bed again and i said uh-oh! wut is happening? and then they left me there for four sleeps! wen they finally came back i said hey peepol ware did you go? and they said they went to visit a mouse!

a mouse?!? why wud they go to vizit a mouse? and i said come on peepol wut else did you do? so they showed me the picktures they took with my spy camera...
my randy got eatted by a shark! oh how skary!

and then my randy got chaseded by the giantest dog ever! run randy run!

it looks like there wuz another dog there who wuz not so big or skary...

i asked my peepol if they ate good foods without me and they said oh no ivy. nothing nearly as good as your dogfood! and i said ok then.
i am glad that i stayed wif abby. it sounds like viziting a mouse is no fun at all!