today while my peepol were gone the brown man with the big skary truck came on
my porch and left big boxes without my permission! i told him no no no brown man! you go away now! and he left! but he left the boxes. musta been too skared to take em.
wen my peepol got home they were all excited about the boxes. i thot hey maybe there are cookies in there! but no cookies! only lactaid pills that i sumtimes like to eat and a very tiny helicopter.
randy wuz very happy about the helicopter. he said it wuz for uncle joel but that he had better try it out to make sher it worked. i said huh?
hey hey
hey! this is a no fly zone in here! i totally did not give that helicopter permisshun to fly in my house!!
well the helicopter got tired and slowed down and then stopped and randy plugged it into the wall to rest and get its energy back he said. i thot it wud be fine if it rested forever.
then we all went for a ride in the car to get a pu pu platter. mmmmm! i luv those smells.
wen we got back the noizy beeper started beepin and the peepol got all crazy and runned around and i said hey hey i smell smoke!! and randy said he smelled smoke too and we went in the office and there were
flames! that helicopter wuz a big pile of burning black stuff!! oh my DOGNESS!
lindsay got the red sprayer and i ran out my dog door and wen i came back in everything wuz smokey but no more flames.
this is all that wuz left of the tiny helicopter:

this can only mean one thing: the skwerrels haf surface to air missles!
i dont think uncle joel is going to get a helicopter for christmas now.