i promised an investigation and i haf delivered. here is a partial transcript of my interrogation of my randy:
ivy: hana says that BP means "Baby Pargman." is this true?
randy: hana is a smart eskie!
ivy: just answer the questions.
randy: yes, we're having a baby. We've been telling you that for some time now.
ivy: why was i not informed?
randy: i said we've been telling you... you just never listen to your people! (tee hee!)
ivy: ok, ok... so am i still your baby?
randy: you will always be our hairy baby.
ivy: do i still get cookies?
randy: yeah, nobody else wants to eat your cookies anyway!
ivy: ok, i guess it is ok for you to bring me a baby. but i get to name it!
randy: no way! dogs do
not get a vote in baby-naming! forget about it!
ivy: but i liked Barkley, and Woofus, and my favorite is Iams.
randy: (walks off, shaking his head)
we will just haf to finish that interrogation later... maybe after i get my dinner.
on friday my dog car got converted into an ivy limo and my peepol took me for a reelly long ride to the state that is high in the middle and round on both ends... ohio!

it is a very good thing that i wuz there in the car or else my peepol mite haf missed all the dead tires and animals on the side of the road. they must haf been very happy that i told them about every one!

even a hard-working keeshond needs a head-scratch and a nap every once in a while.

this is the sign telling dogs to keep theyr peepol out of trubble. see the pickture of the good man staying close on his leash?

along the way we stopped at a giant store that sells good-smelling things like leather gloves and jerkey meats and prime rib sandwiches! i got a bite of my randy's sandwich.... mmmm!

wen we got to ohio we visited with all my old friends! here is me and my randy wif my good friend tony who got way taller than the last time i saw him. we stayed at the best house ever where jim and cozy live and they haf deer heads on the wall. i luv those deer heads. jim gave me ginger snaps and taught me to pee when he says "hit it!" and took me on the longest walk ever!!

on the ride home we stopped at a gas station that had a drive-thru that gives you yummy treats thru a window. my lindsay didnt think it wuz all that yummy but i sure did! i will haf a chicken and a hot dog and a meatball and a pulled pork and a fried fish please. thank you very much.

we got home way past my dog bed time and we all went to sleep. i am still trying to catch up on all the sleep i missed. dont tell the skwerrels... they think i am still watching!