Seven things about my dogself
hey hey dog friends! i hope every dog is remembering the dogs and peepol who served and sacrificed for our sake on this memorial day. dont forget to thank any of them that you see out on your dogvenchers!
tasha and eva tagged me to tell seven things about my dogself so that is wut i am going to do in this post. i also tag freda to tell seven amazing things about her dogself. that shud be reelly interestin'!
so here are my seven things:
the first is that i'm brilliant, at least, compared to peepol-kind;
i've learned so many words of theyrs but they know none of mine.
they never lissen when i haf important stuff to say,
but i can hear "it's dinner time!" from half a mile away.
secondly, my ears are soft and cute as they can be;
they get me out of trubble wen the peepol yell at me!
the third is that my farts dont stink: to me they smell like roses!
i don't know why my peepol run and scream and hold theyr noses.
the fourth is that i am a brave and mighty skwerrel-hunter;
and if i had some football shoes, i'd be a skwerrel-punter!
the fifth is that i haf so many toys at my command;
the guard bears are my favorites but the rest are just as grand:
my skweeky skwerrels sing to me before i go to bed,
my hexapus is crazy fun for six legs and a head.
my sixth thing that i want to share is how i luv to go!
i'll go for walks or go for rides: i luv that word, you know.
i dont like to "stay here, be good"; i don't like being still.
if there is any way to go, you bet your skwerrels i will!
the seventh thing i haf to say is that i smell reel good:
i never need to take a bath; i don't think that i shud
be forced to smell like stinky soap that peepol think is pretty.
to wash away my ode d'Dog wud surely be a pity.
Labels: poetry