meetin' my neighbors
today the snow thief came to my neighborhood again and stole most of my snow. i wuz sad about the snow but happy becuz now my peepol will take me for walks again. silly peepol are too wimpy to walk in the snow becuz they dont like getting theyr feets wet. ha!
wile we were walking we met a dog that i haf never even seen before!! his name is harley and he said that i wuz pretty. i told him that he smelled good and he wuz very tall and then he gave me a kiss!! i hope i get to see him again... i need to go for more walks!!
next door to me on the other side from sandy there is a new little dachsie pup. he is so tiny and he is so shy that i hafent met him yet or even sniffed his behindly. i will haf to do that soon.
thanks to indy for pointing out that today is spay and neuter day. my peepol tell me that its a very good thing. 'nuff said.