this morning my randy and lindsay went around and pickeded up all my toys and put them in the toy baskets and put them away! i said hey hey peepol wut are you doing? but before i cud figure it out gess who came in my door? tank and sly came in my door! wenever those guys come over all my toys haf to go into hiding or they wont survive.
so tank and sly got into my dog car with me and we all went for a ride to go geocaching.

i thot geoaching wif my peepol wuz crazy enuf but going wif those guys is totally nuts!

we ran and ran and sniffed and searched for caches and peed on everything. it wuz great!

i will never understand how tank can walk with the leash like that. doesnt that hurt?
wen we came to a playground those boys dared me to go down the slide. i said no no no ivy doesnt go down slides but then they double dog dared me to and wut cud i say? i just had to do it. those boys were too askared to do it themselves but i wuz braver than any of them. girl dogs rule!
wen we were going back to the car we saw a little poofy pom pom dog walking with his lady. now i know i am sposed to be nice to littler dogs but i gess we all musta been a little excited from our dogvenchers so me and tank and sly all started trying to run toward the pom pom. sly is a slippery one and he got out of his collar and ran like lightning rite at that little poofy! the pom pom lady got big eyes and scooped her pom up off the ground and sly did a
flying leap rite at that lady and her pom but just then
super lindsay caught up with sly and she reached out and grabbed him
rite out of the air! it wuz amazing to see!
boy oh boy did sly boy get in trubble! all the rest of today he has been staying clear of super lindsay. he wont even look at her! i am just glad it isnt me in trubble. whew!