lots of stuff
just becuz i dont blog as much these days doesnt mean that nothing is happening. just this week my bp learned to jump and bounce himself in his magic levitating baby seat / doorway blockade.
this apparently makes my randy and lindsay very happy. me, not so much. wenever he starts bouncing around in that thing i haf to be on my toes to get through the doorway or else i will get squished on my way through!
my cool friend dave found a pack of beer that he said my randy wud like. hey! does turbo know you stole his beer, dave? my randy said it wuz good enuf for a president of the universe. but he still wuddent let me try any! geez!
and my friends at the cat ranch sent me another pickture of a skwerrel. this time not so much evil as silly. those skwerrels are so stupid!

tee hee!