2 is company and 3 is a wrestling match
my dog friend sandy came over to play and me and sandy and abby wrestled and chased around my back yard.
after we wrestled we were all so very thirsty!
abby wuz not such a good water sharer.
One Dog -- One Mission: To uncover the Great Squirrel Conspiracy
my dog friend sandy came over to play and me and sandy and abby wrestled and chased around my back yard.
oh my dogness! so much has happened the last cupple of days that i dont know if i can remember it all. first my little friend abby dog came to boss me around... er, visit... and wen her peepol went home she didnt go with them! she seems to have moved in to my house! and she is trying to take over my peepol! i am going to haf to have some stern words with her wen the peepol arent looking...
lindsay planted some seeds in the dirt and then out of the dirt came... da da DA!!! pam and ken! now they are so big and they seem to be racing each other to who can get to the skwerrel tree first!
i took randy for a walk-on-the-leash today and we had such an exciting time.
hey hey everydog! guess wut? today is my burthday! my peepol tell me that i am five years old or maybe six. they dont reely know becuz peepol arent too good at counting you know. they shud probly ask freda to teach them how to count... she is great with numbers!
this mornin my peepol went outside and made a terrible racket. i told them to be quiet but they were so loud they didnt even hear me.
i like ice. no i love ice! it crunches like a bone and it refills my slobber fuel like water. but sumtimez that ice runs away from me and i need a little help to kech it.
this morning me and randy took a walk out by the lake and we saw peepol fishin and we met 3 dogs! 2 dogs were nice and one spottie dalmation nipped at me (for no reezon at all i mite add).
tonite my peepol came home so late that i had alredy gone to sleep and they waked me up again. (shhhh... dont tell them i wuz sleeping on the peepol bed! tee hee!)