i am sorry that i hafent written in my bloggy for a while; some of my dog friends thot that i mite be sicky or that my internet wuz down but that wuzzent it. i wuz just on vacation! i went to abby's house for a long time and we had so much fun! i wudda taken picktures but my silly peepol took the camera wif them. they had to do sumthing while i wuz on vacation so they went to the sandy eggo zoo.

here is my randy trying to convince my ben that he is a monkey. since he got back he has been making a lot of monkey noises so i guess it musta worked.

next the silly peepol tried to make my ben into a flower. this did not work cuz he still smells just the same since he came back!

here my lindsay took a turn trying to make my ben into a cowboy... er, a toadboy, if there is such a thing.

wen i saw this pickture i got upset: why is my ben petting this silly-looking dog? my randy told me that it is a goat dog and that ben pet it just once and wen they tried to get him to pet the goat dog again he screamed a loud scream and wuddent do it! that's my benjamin! only ivy gets petting! i said i wished i had been there to protect my baby but my randy said zoos are not for ivy.

here is evidence that zoos are for ivy! i didn't know sausages grew on trees! how do i get one for my backyard?

and here is another great piece of evidence that zoos are for ivy! these strange dogs are giving each other massages. zoos must be just like spas... with sausage! who wouldn't want to go to the zoo???