Squirrels are Evil!

One Dog -- One Mission: To uncover the Great Squirrel Conspiracy

Saturday, March 12, 2011

My super-stinky treats!

it has almost been seven dog years since i last bloggeded, but today i just haf to tell you wut happened in my front yard. my peepol were just getting home from wutever fun place they went wifout me (as uzual) wen blossom (the hounddoggirl who lives down the street) came runnin' and barkin' and carrying on all over my front yard.

my randy tried to corral her but blossom is way faster than my randy. my lindsay was bein' protective of my ben. if she were a dog she wud haf had all her fur standin' up prickly. then blossoms momma came drivin up in her car to join the game. blossom thot it was very very fun that so many peepol were playin chase with her.

so poor me (who nobody ever lisens to) is in the back yard and i am woofin and woofin that i want to play too. my randy comes to the house but insted of getting me out you know wut he does? he gets my super-stinky treats from up on the way up high place and offers them to blossom!

i sayd hey!hey!hey! those are MY super-stinky treats! but nobody lissened, not one bit.

now i ask you, is that fair?
poor ivy.