The most wunderful invenshun EVER!

now i can go in and out and in and out and in and out all day long!
i can peek out to check on the skwerrels before i go to bed and i can run out to chase birds and rabbits and anything that comes in my backyard without even asking the peepol to let me out the window!
the only thing i cant figure out is why the peepol didnt put it in sooner!
Ivy! Good to see you. I was afraid that the squirrels got you. Maybe you can trick a squirrel into coming into your house through your door. Then death the the squirrel!
Happy days!
I have a door too. I love going in and out at my leisure. I sometimes just poke my head out and see what the wheather is like.
good idea turbo! those skwerrls are so tricky maybe it is time that i tricked them for once.
cairo i do the same thing. i just love to stand with my head out the door and sniff the air before i go to bed. the peepol think it is reely funny.
I wish I had my own little door!
wow thats a really neat window. Maybe my mom can get me one someday.
every dog shud have a little door like mine. i hope you all can convince your peepol to get you one too!
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