hangin' wif my BP
i dont know why but i have been feeling reelly snuggly lately. every time my lindsay sits down on the couch i feel the irresistable urge to jump up there wif her and BP to get my ears scratched. i haf noticed that my ivy spot on the lindsay lap is getting smaller and smaller. it better not disappear!
thanks to all the dogs and cats who contributed to feed the hungry peepol! i am looking forward to my long walk on the day after the day after the day after tomorrow!
Ivy...sorry we are so late with this, but Muzzer is a professional procrastinator! Have a good time on the walk. We know you will be the hit of the day!
Ivy, why do you keep giving clues about when the stork is gonna drop off BP at your house? All these pictures of your Lindsay will give it away and then I won't win the delivery date game! Sigh. Well, all I have left to say, without giving any MORE clues away, is that I think you Lindsay's lap will get a wee bit smaller and then soon you will get your lap back! Not to worry, Ivy.
thank you gussie! i luved that you made your donation in support of ivy paws and BP. we both thank you... tho bp doesnt know it yet.
hana i am sorry to be giving away so many clues... i am just a clue-dropping-dog-machine lately. i gess i just want my dog friends to do well. a close contest is exciting anyway!
Is the BP telling you secrets, Ivy? Is he saying lemmeouttahere?
Love ya lots,
if 'lemmeouttahere' sounds like 'kicky-kicky-kick' then yes -- the bp says that all the time!!
Dear Ivy...I forgot to ask. Does BP ever give you pats or kicks. Muzzer said that E.Rabbit and E.Beth would both play with Toby and Tuppi when they were about as BP is now.
I think it would be neat!
woofies ivy, soooo coolies u bondin wiff BP....heehee purdy soon ur ears will b pulled insteaded of scratcheded...
b safe,
pp's mama here, we use to have a doggy, butty that use to lay like that on my sis when she was preggies wiff her daughter...i use to babysit the hooman pup when she was borneded...buddy helped me babysit too...was sooo cute...
Woo, Ivy! It's really cool that you get to hang with BP! Bonding is good! Your Lindsay's lap looks REAL comfy to me. I'll bet I could squeeze onto it. I can make myself really tiny when I want to!
You said I can guess again. Good. My first guess was 10/12 because that is Hershey's mother's birthday. It obviously wasn't right. Now I guess, November 19th.
Yikes! You did it again Ivy! You said a "close contest is exciting anyway".... so now everydog is gonna check out all the dates we have guessed to see just how "close" we all are.. Sigh... what am I gonna do with you, Ivy?
Ivy, how about that mint chocolate chip cookie recipe? Are ya gonna include it in the cookbook? Today I saw that Maggie and Mitch are baking a pina colada cake for their dad's birthday and I told them about the recipe book we are all putting together. I hope they include their recipe!
what is this about clues, o nce again i , we don't see how pictures of lin dsay gives any clues about bp...i , we have no idea weather our old guess of christmas day at l0am is any closer or farther away that 10 am on thanksgiving day and looking at pictures of lindsay don't help in the slighest, especially since i don't know if bbp is going to be the size of a whale or a peanut
oh i forgot to swign us all outjasper bell sadie sandy speeding duke and bird
Our cake is only a cake so far, Ivy! Once we get it frosted we'll take a picture, okay? Can I be in the picture too or do you just want a picture of a boring old cake?
Love ya lots,
We know how you feel. Sky and I did a lot of snuggling when our mom was expecting our BP.
Woo woo, Kelsey Ann
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