Geocaching again!
hurray! my peepol took me and my friend abby and abby's dad on another geocaching adventure! we found a stuffed cat toy and a high-bounce ball for me, and abby got a tiny little glowstick and a first aid for choking magnet.
one of the hiding spots was by my favorite river and i just had to jump in. at first randy told me "no no you cant get in there cuz its too fast" but then we found a slower part and i got to chase stix down the river. so much fun!

that's abby operating the GPS

that's me shaking off the river
Hi Ivy!
You look like you are part Husky, I see Husky-like markings around your eyes!
I'm not sure what gee-o-catching is but I am glad you got to go to the beach and swim, it looks like you had fun.
The 'ssential oils do make me stink pretty good. At least they don't smell too strong and they don't smell girly. It did help me itch less and hey, I get a massage too!
hey indypindy, i dont think im part husky. the peepol at the vet said that im a keeshond X. i gess the X is for Xtra special or maybee Xtra sweet.
i had some huskies for frends neer my old house. there were five of them and they jumped reel hi and they had a tall fence. i liked to run back and forth in front of theyr fence and say "im free and your not, ha-ha-ha-ha ha-ha!"
come to think of it, maybee they didnt like that too much.
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