Squirrels are Evil!

One Dog -- One Mission: To uncover the Great Squirrel Conspiracy

Sunday, January 08, 2006

the problum with weeekends

evry morning i git my dogfood 4 brekfest at the brekfestime wen the radeo maks noiz and randy hits the radeo and it stops with the noiz and then he puts the dogfood in my dish and i eat it.

it tasts so good that dogfood for brekfest. randy sayz do you want to eat and i say yesyesyesyes and he sayz agin do you want to eat like he didnt heer me and i say yesyesyesyesyes and then he puts it in the dish and i eat.

but on the weekends wen i nooo it is brekfestime the radeo forgets to make the noiz and i haf to tell randy hey hey hey it is brekfestime and the radeo forgot hey hey i say to him but he doznt get up. so i wait 4 a minit and i say agin hey hey hey and he opins wun eye but the othur eye is clozd and he dozt get up. so i wait 4 a minit agin and jump on the bed and say hey hey hey and then he gets up and puts the dogfood in the dish but he doznt say anything but goz bak 2 bed.

sumtimz it is hard work to eet wen u r the dog.


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